Almost 2 years ago I was captive in a very bad episode of my life. until today I am still facing and trying to cope with the trauma that it has cause me.
I was ask by the man I have loved why did I stay inspite and despite of the bad treatment. I had more heartaches than happiness. I get the same question with some of my friends and family who is very much aware of our situation.
I only have one answer that is because I deeply and truly love him with whole my heart. I know in my heart he is a good man a great man in fact just lost because of the pain in life that pushes him to go into drugs.
Probably you know about the topic drugs or addiction but it is different if you try to understand more deeply.
Cocaine and crystal meths two very addictive drugs that when use it at the sometime you will surely be very paranoid.
Everyone know what is the side effects when taking this kind of drugs but you will not always see in any writings what side effects you will see when the drugs is starting to wear off.
People on drugs do not care about anyone even if they try to fight the drugs and give in to their heart when they are just so hock they cant.
When the drugs is starting to wear off and they need to get some to get the high back they become so moody and easily irritated.
The depression will become worse and worse. They will start to think negative things towards the people around them. Everyday new negative things will come into their mind until it will consume them that they can no longer control their mind. When that day will come only two possible things can happen they will harm somebody or harm themselves.
I used to think that submitting to everything to a person who's a victim of drugs and trying to get into their heads to be able to touch them and convince them to get off the drugs will help I was wrong.
I am going to tell you this because its the truth and I don't want you to make the same mistake I did because it almost cost me my life.
Users of any kind of drugs or any type of addiction for a fact are good liars. They are pathological liars not just the simple lying. Most specially if the person is very smart so be very careful.
They will admit they need help and admit they are taking drugs and it is destroying them by words they will say it but they will never admit to themselves they need help.
They will convince you for a home rehab and to make it very believable they will buy the supplements needed. Throw away all paraphernalia that YOU are ONLY aware and even try to live a normal life.
Do not buy into that kind of excuse because the truth of the matter is they are still taking behind your back they always find ways. And when you start pushing the rehab solution they will find ways to put the blame on you in why they are taking drugs.
Victims of this kind of addiction they blame other people of their self destruction. They will make so many excuses just to put the blame on the people right infront of them.
People on drugs are victims they are not bad people. The one that is evil is the ones that is selling them drugs and the ones that is not doing anything to help the victims get cure.
Pushers do not care bout the victims the only thing they care about is the money they get out of selling the drugs.
But that is not actually worse the worse is when a person in your family knows that there is a victim in the family and do not do something about to help the victim.
It is painful to put the one we love to rehab it is painful to know that the whole process of rehabilitation is not going to be an easy road.
But what is more painful to see the one you love either father,mother,son,daughter,husband,wife or cousin getting all the help they need to get well or seeing them in prison because they killed someone or dead because of overdose or dead because they killed themself?
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