Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Painful Truth

Have you watch the movie Temptatoin: Confession of a married woman ?If not the story is about a woman who was happily married until she met a man that become her temptation of lust, career and superficial world.

Make the story short and point out the important things as we go along the story.

Judith was a well education with a masters in psychology she was married to her childhood boyfriend Brice who was a pharmacist. They were married for 6 yrs and known each other for 19 yrs don't have kids. Christian family with conservative values.

Brice forgot Judith birthday 2yrs in a raw, doesn't seem to pay close attention to his wife and lets just say doesn't explore on the sexual aspect in the location part. So their sex life was always in the bedroom in the bed. But other than that he love his wife so much, adores her and respect her.

Now here comes Mr. Temptation Harley a very successful businessman, smart, handsome, romantic, exhibitionist and sweet talker.

When they met he knew among all the girls she is the one that he is going to be challenge so he picked her. He also know despite of her degree in psychology she is very naive. He likes the game of chasing and when he catch it he will play it around his fingers.

So it was Judith 26th birthday she was getting her self ready for work but going something special to her so that her husband will notice her and hoping he will remember it is her birthday. Only to come in to her surprise that he did not remember. She went to work pissed then a flower was delivered with no name on it to where it come from. She assume it was from her husband excited smiling and so happy that he remember.

Now her comes Harley into her office greeting her then he ask her if she liked the flowers.

"Woman will always be very sensitive if our partner forget the special dates in our life together. Anniversary, birthday etc. It is a given fact and this is how are mind is being wired."
"Man on the other hand they are not like that after awhile they forget not because they don't care but because they are already too comfortable with the relationship." 

Harley showed Judith what she is missing and what he can offer to her. He already know she is very conservative and have only slept with one man in her entire life. So, he seduce her with lust the adventure of having sex in places she can't imagine is possible. He make sure she makes her feel wanted, adored and supported on whatever dreams she have.

"Woman always fall into the trap of the sweet talk of another man when we are not CONTENTED in our relationship. And the biggest problem is lack of communication with our partner telling them what we want. Man are not like us they need to be told and reminded. Don't nag at him or he will run at the door and run away as fast as he can. So, again COMMUNICATION is what it needs."

She had an intimate affair with Harley she was so confuse between her guilt because she was married and the obsession of the lust and how he make her feel. She ask Harley that it should stop and it will never happen again. But he already know he got her good as she had never felt that way with her husband. The adrenaline, thrill, seduction and wild passion.

Brice was too comfortable to see that his wife was fallen for another man because he was too comfortable that nothing is wrong in their relationship.

Looking at it nothing is wrong with him as he is a loving husband but the problem of their relationship that they don't communicate at all. Which many couples now a days forget of doing that and compromise on the difference. 
To make the story short Judith decided to be with Harley and go with his wild life. He teach her to do drugs, kinky sex and give her what she wanted in her career. But the only thing Harley can't give Judith is LOVE. He doesn't know how to love anyone he was just obsess with the idea of having someone and not ending up alone. He did not respect Judith at all. because of her infidelity she got HIV from Harley and Brice got remarried.

Ladies you have to learn from this movie for this are the things the movie teaches us.

1. When you sign that piece of paper and married that man it means you are willing and going to commit yourself to him for the rest of your life. Oh, it the same thing with you guys don't be to cocky and smile. Because it goes both ways. So if you have problems talk about it and be open always to compromise.

2. Do not believe in everything a man will tell you because they will always tell you what you want to hear just to get into your pants. If a man loves you and respects you he is going to do the right thing.

3. An abusive man have the following sign in his character ones you see it run as far as you can before you get into an abusive relationship.

- Tells you all the time what you should do like a control freak
- Grab you and humiliate you call you names
- Slap you
- acuse you that its your fault why he have hurt you or why he act the way he act

So before to you give your trust to anyone try to know them first before you let them fully in your life.

If you are married suck it up and talk to your spouse and fix your issue. Stop pointing fingers who is at fault instead think of what is the best solution.


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